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原副标题:Ekwing 科学知识优选 | 剑桥版高年级下卷重点项目词汇+ 词组 +题目(Unit 3 & Unit 4)







Unit 3 和 Unit 4 的重点项目词汇+词组+题目


Unit 3


1.look like 看上去像

2.chat with sb 和其他人闲聊

3.send and receive emails 递送邮件

4.search for information 搜寻重要信息

5.tour guide 团友

6.at the top of the page 在页面值顶端

7.trade centre 商业服务中心

8.click on the icon 点选工具栏

9.在……的西南角 at the southern end of ...

10.在……的服务中心 in the centre of ...

11.……就此结束 so much for ...

12.因……而闻名于世 be famous for ...

13.20 世纪末晚期 the early twentieth century

14.听闻 hear of

15.数以千计 thousands of

16.在……的顶部 at the bottom of ...

17. on the north-east coast of 在……的西北海湾

18. take an online tour 新浪网旅途

19. order meals 购票

20. see a doctor 看医生

21. daily communication 日常生活沟通交流

22. an island country 两个小岛北欧国家

23. have a long history 闻名遐迩

24.the opposite of 与……恰好相反

25.be made up of 由……共同组成

26.prepare for 为……做预备

27.book tickets and hotels 购票和饭店

28.palaces and castles 王宫和王宫


★ receive & accept

1. receive 作代词,意为“收到;收到”,如词组 1。

2. accept 作代词,意为“拒绝接受”,如词组2。

3. 特别注意:receive 指收到某类而此姿势,这类有很大的Chaudes,不包涵发送者与否愿拒绝接受的原意。而 accept指历经考量,由直觉信念来下定决心拒绝接受,姿势这类是积极主动的,如词组 3。


1. I received her email last night.


2. He was glad that I accepted his present.


3. I received his invitation, but I couldnt accept it.



1. guide 作名词,意为“团友;向导”,如词组 1;还可意为“指南;手册”,如词组 2。

2. guide 还可作代词,意为“给其他人领路;指引”,如词组 3。


1. My sister wants to be a guide in the future.


2. Helen bought a travel guide before she went to Paris.


3. The boy guided us to the museum.



1. pick 作代词,意为“挑选”,如词组 1。

2. pick sb to do sth 表示“挑选其他人做某事”,如词组 2。

3. pick sth up 是固定搭配,原意是“拾起某类”,如词组 3。


1. My mother picked a blue dress for me.


2. The teacher picked three students to join in the race.


3. I picked the pen up and put it into my bag.



现在完成时 VS 一般过去时

居然可以这样(八年级作文题目精选)八年级作文题目精选英语 第1张


Step 1 写作任务

根据下表写一篇不少于 80 词的英文短文。内容包括:对下表中关于这两个城市(City A 和 City B)的全部重要信息进行比较,分析利弊,确定其中两个城市作为你的五一旅游目的地。

居然可以这样(八年级作文题目精选)八年级作文题目精选英语 第2张

Step 2 抛砖引玉

参考词汇:delicious, reason, activity, save

参考词组:less comfortable, as ... as, enjoy beautiful scenery

Step 3 思路点拨

居然可以这样(八年级作文题目精选)八年级作文题目精选英语 第3张

Step 4 范文展示

In my opinion, City A is the better place to spend my May Day holiday.

Though the temperature there is higher, the hotel is less comfortable and even the food is not as delicious as that in City B, I still choose City A. The most important reason is that I can have a lot of things to do in City A. I may enjoy more beautiful scenery and attend more activities. Besides, it takes me only two hours to fly there and saves me a lot of time. I hope Ill have a wonderful holiday there.

Unit 4


1.in your spare time 在你空闲的时候

2.improve my knowledge of 提高我对……的认识

3.be tied to 被绑在;束缚于

4.look down 向下看

5.continue doing sth 继续做某事

6.shout at 对……大喊大叫

7.be tired out 精疲力尽

8.a book about ... 一本关于……的书

9.同……一样大 the same size as

10.逃跑 run away

11.开始做某事 start / begin doing sth

12.一大批 a huge army of

13.离开;逃脱 get away

14.到……时候 by the time

15.跌倒 fall over

16.撞到…… crash against

17. at a time 每次

18. collect information 搜集重要信息

19. reading habits 阅读习惯

20. a great success 巨大的成功

21. get the idea for ... 想到……的办法

22. share ... with ... 和……分享

23. in the very beginning 在最开始

24.so far 到目前为止

25.open up 开启

26.translate ... into ... 把……翻译为……

27.ask sb for advice 向其他人询问建议



touch 作代词,可意为“碰,摸”,如词组1;还可意为“(情感上的)触动,感动”,如词组 2。


1. Dont touch any vase in this room.


2. The sad story about the little boy touched all the students.



1. manage 意为“管理”,如词组 1。

2. manage to do sth 是固定搭配,表示“设法完成某事”,如词组 2。

3. manage 还有“能够做到”的原意,常与情态动词 can, could 连用,如词组 3。


1. The new boss manages his company very well.


2. Lisa managed to finish the difficult task.


3. My parents always encourage me, “You can manage.”



1. lift 作代词,意为“举起,抬起”,如词组 1。

2. lift 作名词,意为“电梯”,如词组 2。

3. lift 作名词,还可意为“搭便车”,如词组 3,固定词组:give sb a lift 意为“给其他人搭便车”。


1. This bag is not heavy, so I can lift it easily.


2. Take the lift to the fifth floor, and then turn right.


3. My car broke down. Can you give me a lift?



疑问词 + to do


一、可用于“疑问词 + 代词不定式”结构的疑问词有疑问代词“who, what, which”和疑问副词“when, where, how”。特别注意:why 不能与代词不定式连用。

二、“疑问词 + to do”在句子中的作用如下:

⑴ 当主语,如:Where to live is still a problem.

⑵ 当宾语,如:Do you know how to make a fruit salad?

⑶ 当表语,如:The question is where to go.

⑷ 当名词同位语,如:Tom had no idea which shirt to buy at last.

⑸ 当宾语补足语,如:She told me how to solve the problem.

三、常和“疑问词 + 代词不定式”结构连用的动:know, see, decide, tell, ask, consider,guess, hear, think, wonder 等。有些代词,如ask, show, tell, advise, teach 等,能先跟宾语,然后接适当的“疑问词+代词不定式”结构.


Who can tell me how to use this machine?



I could not decide which book to buy.

= I could not decide which book I should buy.

must VS have to


must 和 have to 虽然都表示“必须”,但是二者在用法上有四点不同:


must 表示直觉上认为有义务或有责任而必须做某事,强调说话人的直觉看法;have to则强调由于客观因素而不得不做某事,强调客观需要。


1. Everyone must obey the rules.

2. I missed the last bus, so I had to walk home.


have to 有人称、数和时态的变化,而 must没有。


mustnt 意为“不许;禁止”,而 dont have to 意为“不必”,相当于 neednt。


回答含有 must 的疑问句时,一般用 must作肯定回答,但不能用 mustnt 作否定回答,而要用 dont have to 或 neednt 作否定回答。含有 have to 的肯定句变一般疑问句时,要根据句子的时态和主语,借助助代词 do 的相应形式来构成,回答时也要借助 do 的相应形式。


1. — Must we leave here at once?

— Yes, you must.

(— No, you dont have to. / No, you neednt.)

2. — Does she have to have English classes on Sunday?

— Yes, she does.

(— No, she doesnt.)


Step 1 写作任务

阅读的好处很多,但是目前许多中学生都不重视阅读。请你根据以下表格提示写一篇英文短文,对而此现状进行分析并提出建议。不少于 80 词。

Step 2 抛砖引玉

参考词汇:colorful (多姿多彩的), importance, spare, manage

参考词组:open up our eyes, get into the habit of, instead of, waste time on

Step 3 思路点拨

Step 4 范文展示

Reading can open up our eyes and make our life more colorful. Reading is of great importance to us.

However, only a small number of middle school students do some reading now. Here are the reasons. First, students have too much homework to do. Second, they may spend most of their spare time on TV or the Internet. As a result, they have less time for reading.

In my opinion, students should learn to manage their time and get into the habit of reading instead of wasting much time on TV or the Internet.




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责任编辑:聂 玲

校 对:张兵丽

审 核:徐 芳 贾丹彤



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