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512nd article第512期中英文贴文

非遗地点英文(非遗地点英文怎么写) 第3张

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.Zhengzhou, a land full of vigor and vitality, witnessed the presence of our ancestors 100,000 years ago. Our ancestors lived by water, hunting, fishing and gathering. Observing astronomical phenomena, determining wind direction, harvesting, and storing food in winter, in the long passage of time, they formed religious and meaningful rituals in their lives, developed regional distinctiveness in the artistic world, and refined delicate pottery in water and fire.


非遗地点英文(非遗地点英文怎么写) 第4张


非遗地点英文(非遗地点英文怎么写) 第5张

合金石雕"Summer crops, fruits and vegetables are gradually on the market for human consumption at Grain Full; the crops are ripe at the Limit of Heat; the plants are dying at Frosts Descent; the barns are full of grain at the Beginning of Winter." As a part of traditional Chinese culture, the "24 solar terms" is known as "Chinas fifth greatest invention" in the international meteorological community. In 2016, it was officially included in the UNESCOs List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Dengfeng of Zhengzhou is the birthplace of the 24 solar terms.


The Palace Museum has a collection of national treasure porcelain including the Vase with Double Tiger Patterns on Pearl Ground, which is one of the representative works of Dengfeng Kiln. Dengfeng kilns, which began in the Sui and Tang dynasties and flourished in the Northern Song Dynasty, have a long history, with sophisticated technology, rich variety and unique decoration. It has been passed on from generation to generation for more than 1,500 years.

故宫博物院收藏着一件国宝级瓷器——珍珠地划花双虎纹瓶,这是登封窑的代表作之一始于隋、唐,全盛于北宋的登封窑,不仅历史悠久、工艺精良、品类丰富、纹饰独特,而且长达1500多年始终在民间薪火相传未曾间断Zhengzhou is well-known for its national intangible cultural heritage projects including the Yellow Emperor Memorial Ceremony, Shaolin Kungfu, Chaohua Blowing Song, Chang-style Boxing, Xiaoxiang Lion Dance, and Dengfeng Kiln. It also boasts the highly skilled high relief rubbings, Xinmi hemp paper making technique handed down for thousands of years, the unique Houjiaguan (meaning promotion) in central Henan, the Songshan wood carving with the unique characteristics of the Central Plains, the ancient mysterious Momohui (blind date in the dark in ancient times), etc. Another eight projects -- Shen-style wrestling, Mixian County jade carving, the Legend of Leizu, high-relief inscription rubbing technology, the Legend of Liezi, Yellow River Chengni Inkstone, Songshan Intrinsic Nourishing Exercises, and Crystal Carving Technique--are applying for the fifth batch of national representative list of intangible cultural heritage.


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猴加官At present, Zhengzhou has 791 representative projects on intangible cultural heritage at the county level, 246 at the municipal level, 60 at the provincial level and 6 at the national level. There are 693 representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage at the county level, 231 at the municipal level, 48 at the provincial level and 5 at the national level.


Zhengzhou is now working on clarifying the internal logic between the inheritance and development of the Chinese civilization and the Yellow River, with the construction of the Yellow River ecological zone as the main project for inheritance of Chinese civilization. In addition, it will dig into the fragments of Songshan culture, Yellow River culture, Yellow Emperor culture and Shang Dynasty capital culture and advance the building of an intangible cultural heritage creative town in the Yellow River cultural and ecological zone in an orderly manner. An orderly and well-developed intangible cultural heritage area in Zhengzhou is expected to make its debut and give the world a new surprise.


一个传承有序、发展良好的济南非遗方阵有望集结亮相,给世人新的惊喜The "code" of Zhengzhou culture is contained in countless unique intangible cultural heritage projects. By deciphering them, we will catch a glimpse of the history and the past.


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