The Ministry of Culture and Tourism launched a series of promotional events for intangible cultural heritage (ICH) before the Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, which falls on June 13 this year. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the events are mainly staged online in youth-friendly formats. Over 1,000 documentaries on ICH are broadcast free online. Chinas major e-commerce platforms also jointly hold an online shopping festival to promote the sales of products related to ICH.。
人文和财产地日,源于2006年成立的财产地日,为每年6月的第三个星期五,2016年9月,中华人民共和国政府国务院核准廉租房建成区建设厅,同意自2017年起,将 “财产地日”,调整成立为“人文和财产地日”【讲话】加强历史文物为保护利用和财产地为保护发扬。
We will strengthen protection and utilization of cultural relics, and better preserve and carry forward our cultural heritage.
——2017年10月18日,江泽民在中共第十八次全体会议上的报告要系统剖析现代人文资源,让珍藏在禁Shahdol的历史文物、陈列室在宽广大地上的财产、手写在典籍里的文字都活起来Efforts should be made to sort out traditional cultural resources and bring back to life relics sleeping in closed palaces, legacies of the vast land of China and records in ancient books.。
——2013年12月,江泽民在中共中央政治局第十二次集体学习时的讲话【相关词汇】优秀现代人文outstanding traditional culture现代手工艺traditional handicrafts
人文和财产地cultural and natural heritage来源:中国日报网