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最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第1张

原副标题:最能代表者我国的8养花,用英文怎么说?人世间最帅四月天,尚佩县时,斜阳近半,金鸡相续争开秋天是花的时节,最能代表者我国的8养花,你都重新认识吗?海棠Plum blossom 有意苦白牡丹,一届莹妒 长夜蒸过碾作尘,多于香复故。

She endures while awaiting spring,The envy of the other flowers.Her petals may be ground into mud,But her fragrance will endure.


最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第2张

梅、兰、竹、菊被今人称作鲁银投资特别是海棠,始终为儒者赞许The plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum were called by the ancient Chinese the "Four Gentlemen". The plum blossom was especially appreciated.。

在炎热的时岁,海棠争相花开古时,海棠是我儒者不屈、真抓实干、腋花的生动活泼真实写照士大夫爱梅,即使这代表者着奋发向上,寓意着不与神权坐以待毙以梅恕,以花Daye,这是古时士大夫的快感In the cold of water, only plum trees bloom brightly. Since ancient times, plum blossoms have been believed to symbolize the unyielding spirit and noble character of the Chinese people. Ancient Chinese men of letters showed special affection for plum blossoms because in them they saw an indomitable spirit and a noble character of keeping aloof from worldly concerns. For that reason, they took great delight in comparing themselves to plum blossoms.。

梅花Peony“云想衣衫花想容”Floating clouds remind me of her clothes, and peonies her face.——【唐】杜甫《清平调·一是》

最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第3张

六月花开的梅花花大色艳,喻意富贵自宋代年来,观者甚爱梅花民国初年梅花被逐步形成为市花Flowering in May, peonies large petals and strong colors are linked to prosperity and richness in traditional Chinese culture. Thus, it became very popular during the Tang Dynasty, a period of time when Chinese people preferred magnificent and glorious things, such as fat and strong horses and large flowers. In the late Qing Dynasty, the peony was chosen as the national flower.。


最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第4张

菊花Chrysanthemum采菊东篱下,悠然见南山Picking chrysanthemumsBy the eastern fence,I catch a distant glimpseOf the hills to the south.


最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第5张

菊花在秋天盛放,生命力顽强,不畏炎热对我儒者来说,菊是清洁隐逸的代表者它不欲与其他花朵争奇斗艳,宁愿在炎热的环境中安静盛放,不追求别人的赞誉,而只在乎本心的清洁In the autumn, Chrysanthemums come into full bloom, strong and fearless of cold. To the Chinese, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of nobility and aloofness. It would rather come into full bloom alone in cold weather than compete with the other flowers. What it seeks is not public praise but inner purity and virtue. 。


Anthology意为 “鲜花大全”,在17世纪初期时,这个单词用来表示短诗集月季Chinese rose唯有此花开不厌,一年长占四时春Yet Chinese roses enjoy the four seasons with unceasing beauty.。


最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第6张

月季和玫瑰极为相似,只不过刺更少花瓣更大,即使原产地在我国,所以月季的英文名为“Chinese rose(我国玫瑰)”儒者早在2000年前就开始种植月季,汉朝时就已在宫廷花园中大量栽培,唐朝时更为普遍,广泛分布在长江流域地区。

Chinese people started to grow the rose about 2,000 years ago. In the Han Dynasty (206 BC- AD 220), Chinese roses were widely grown in royal gardens. And in the Tang Dynasty, the flowers found their way into most regions along the Yangtze River.

杜鹃花Azalea本是山头物,今为砌下芳千丛相向背,万朵互低昂Once grown on hills, now blooming in gardens…send a message to God and let azalea be the king of flowers.。


最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第7张

我国曾有杜鹃啼血的神话,传说杜鹃鸟昼夜悲鸣,啼至血出乃止,杜鹃花是被杜鹃鸟的鲜血染红的,因此而得名In Chinese mytholgy, a melancholy bird named Du Juan bleated day and night until it spat blood, which painted all the flowers on the hill red. The flowers were named after the miserable bird.。


Lotus予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖But my favorite is the lotus, which springs from the mud yet is spotless.Rinsed in pure water, it shows no frivolity.。


最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第8张

荷花又名莲花、芙蓉,在佛教和我国传统文化中是纯洁的寓意在我国古时文学中,荷花也喻意着女子的高洁人格《红楼梦》中晴雯死后托梦说自己变成了“芙蓉仙子”Lotus flower is an important symbol of pureness in Buddhism, and also traditional Chinese culture. In ancient Chinese literature, the lotus is often connected with womens noble and pure personality. In the Chinese classic The Dream of the Red Chamber, Qing Wen, an honest and upright maid of protagonist Jia Baoyu, becomes a lotus fairy after passing away.。

荷花全身都是“宝”,既可被用来烹饪美食,也可入药Every part of a lotus is useful.It can be used for both cooking and medicine.。

名肴“雪霞羹”,是摘下新开的荷花去掉心蒂,放在沸水中一焯,再与嫩豆腐同煮此时,锅中“红白交错,恍如雪霁之霞”,故得“雪霞羹”的美名【桂花】Sweet-scented osmanthus暗淡轻黄体性柔情疏迹远只香留。

light yellow, with a delicate figure, that only leaves fragrance behind.——【宋】李清照《鹧鸪天·桂花》

最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第9张

桂花在我国有2500多年的栽培历史桂花通常在八月花开,还有一个和中秋节相关的典故:传说吴刚因遭天帝惩罚到月宫砍伐桂树,其树随砍随合,以这种永无休止的劳动作为对吴刚的惩罚,多于在中秋节这一天吴刚才能休息Planting sweet-scented osmanthus in China has a history of more than 2,500 years. Often blooming in August, the plant is also connected with Mid-Autumn Festival due to the fairy tale about a man named Wu Gang. Wu is ordered to cut down a large and strong osmanthus tree on the moon every day, yet the charmed tree never falls and has fragrant flowers each autumn. Wu is only allowed to have a rest for Mid-Autumn Festival.

中秋赏月之时,人世间也有喝桂花酒的习俗这一习俗,有史可考的是宋代,是祭拜月神之后“吃”的内容之一,有吉祥、祝福、喜庆、团圆的含义兰花Orchid 兰之猗猗,扬扬其香Splendid is the orchid/Far does its fragrance spread.。


最能代表中国的非遗(最能代表中国的非遗有哪些呢英语) 第10张

兰花是我国的传统名花,与“梅”“竹”“菊”并称“鲁银投资”古往今来,人们常把兰花称作“花中君子”,如果有人写诗文写得很好,便称作“兰章”,如果两个人友情深厚,便称“兰交”,把好友称作“兰客”The orchid is a famous flower in China and one of the “Four Gentlemen of the Plants," the other three being plum blossom, bamboo,and chrysanthemum. The orchid is used to be describe good literary works and close friendship since ancient times.。

圣人孔子非常喜爱兰花,曾经创作了琴曲《幽兰操》在我国古典文化中,兰草就该静静生长于深山幽谷之中,没有神权的污染,当兰花逐渐花开时,香气会弥漫于天地之间,不刺鼻也不俗艳,让人联想到君子的美好品德The sage Confucius(孔夫子) , who greatly loved orchids,composed a song called The Orchid. In classical Chinese culture, orchids are described as flowers that grow quietly in secluded mountains and valleys, far from worldly chaos. When orchids come into bloom, their fragrance permeates Heaven and Earth,pleasant but neither too strong nor too bright-subtle, like a gentlemans virtue.。


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