
六八 157 0



  1. "It happened one day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen in the sand."
  2. 有一天,大约中午时分,我正朝着我的小船走去,却非常惊讶地看到沙滩上有一个裸足男子的印迹,这个印迹非常清晰明显。

  3. "I had now been here so long and had seen so little of the world that I had not the least inkling of anything to suggest to me from whence this visitor might come."
  4. 我已经在这里待了很久,却几乎没见过外面的世界,所以没有任何线索能够告诉我这个来访者可能来自哪里。

  5. "And thus fear drove me backwards, and I ran again towards the sea-shore, the way I came, and my mind was in such confusion that I could hardly think or stand."
  6. 这时恐惧驱使我往回跑,重新朝着海岸线奔去,我的头脑混乱,几乎不能思考或站立。

  7. "I was now landed, and safe on shore, and began to look up and thank God that my life was saved in a case wherein there was some minutes before scarce any room to hope."
  8. 我现在已经登陆了,安然无恙地踏上了陆地,开始仰望并感谢上帝,在那种情况下,几乎没有任何希望,但我的生命却得以拯救。

  9. "I took the top of one of the boxes, and tore it off, and cutting a piece of paper first, I fastened it on the side of the box."
  10. 我拿起其中一箱的箱盖,撕了下来,并首先剪了一张纸片,把它固定在了盒子的侧面上。

  11. "I was so surprised with the thing itself, having never seen the like, or anything like it before, though I had heard of it more than once as a curiosity, that I was exceedingly rejoiced, and so was my family."
  12. 我非常惊喜于这件事情本身,从未见过这样的东西,也没有类似的东西,尽管我曾经多次听说过这作为一件奇事,所以我非常高兴,我的家人也是如此。

  13. "It was an inexpressible joy to me, which any one will believe, that I was thus delivered, as I esteemed it, from such a miserable and almost hopeless condition as I was in."
  14. 对于我来说,这是一种无法言传的喜悦,任何人都会相信,我认为我已经从我当时所处的那种几乎没有希望的可怜境况中解脱出来了。





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