燃爆了(关于环保的英语作文)关于环保的英语作文 小学

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  1. 明晰诗歌创作目地和广告主:在开始诗歌创作以后,要明晰他们的诗歌创作目地和广告主。相同的诗歌创作目地和广告主须要采用相同的词汇和艺术风格。

  2. 确认主轴和关键点:在诗歌创作以后,要明晰他们要抒发的主轴和关键点。能先列举两个小册子或是写许多关键字,以期在诗歌创作过程两个提示。

  3. 特别注意句法和拼法:恰当的句法和拼法对于一则好的题目非常重要。要防止常用的严重错误,比如代词分词不完全一致、主谓内部结构不完全一致、拼法严重错误等。

  4. 采用恰当的词语和涵义:在诗歌创作中,采用恰当的词语和涵义能使题目更为生动活泼、精确和有威胁性。能参照许多经典之作的英文经典作品和短语来提升他们的词语量和理解能力。

  5. 适度利用内部结构和片语:恰当的内部结构和片语能使题目更为简洁和更易认知。要特别注意章节的拆分、语句的宽度和维数,以及各种片语的采用。

燃爆了(关于环保的英语作文)关于环保的英语作文 小学 第1张


  1. 明晰诗歌创作目地和广告主:诗歌创作目地是提升听众对节能环保的觉悟和必要性,广告主是中学生。

  2. 确认主轴和关键点:主轴是节能环保,关键点包括环境问题的危害性、节能环保的象征意义和方法等。

  3. 特别注意句法和拼法:在诗歌创作上要特别注意代词分词、主谓内部结构完全一致、拼法严重错误等问题。比如,应该用“pollution”而并非“pollute”,用“methods”而并非“methodes”。

  4. 采用恰当的词语和涵义:能采用许多与节能环保相关的词语和涵义,比如“global warming”、“recycling”、“reduce waste”等。同时,要特别注意采用单纯明晰的语句和词语,以期中学生认知。

  5. 适度利用内部结构和片语:能采用许多适度的内部结构和片语,比如采用“Firstly, Secondly, Finally”来单向和列举看法,采用“however”、“therefore”等来相连相同的语句和章节。

燃爆了(关于环保的英语作文)关于环保的英语作文 小学 第2张


Environmental protection is becoming increasingly important in our daily lives. Pollution, which is caused by various human activities, has

a great impact on our environment and health. Therefore, it is crucial for us to take actions to protect our planet.

Firstly, pollution has caused a wide range of problems such as global warming, acid rain and water pollution. These environmental issues have seriously affected our health and the ecological balance. For example, global warming has led to more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods and droughts. Therefore, we should reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by using renewable energy and reducing our carbon footprint.

Secondly, environmental protection is important for our future. We need to protect our natural resources, such as forests, oceans and wildlife, for our future generations. Recycling and reusing are effective ways to reduce waste and conserve resources. We can also encourage sustainable consumption and production patterns in our daily lives.

Finally, everyone can make a difference in environmental protection. Small actions can add up to big impacts. We can start by using reusable bags, water bottles and utensils instead of disposable ones. We can also participate in community events, such as tree-planting and beach-cleaning, to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote actions.

In conclusion, environmental protection is a shared responsibility. By taking actions to reduce pollution, conserve resources and promote sustainable lifestyles, we can make a positive impact on our planet and our future.

燃爆了(关于环保的英语作文)关于环保的英语作文 小学 第3张


  1. 主谓内部结构宾内部结构:比如“Pollution has caused a wide range of problems”,“We need to protect our natural resources”等。

  2. 并列内部结构:比如“global warming, acid rain and water pollution”和“reduce pollution, conserve resources and promote sustainable lifestyles”。

  3. 从句内部结构:比如“which is caused by various human activities”和“who can make a difference in environmental protection”。

  4. 比较内部结构:比如“more frequent and severe natural disasters”和“Small actions can add up to big impacts”。

  5. 虚拟语气内部结构:比如“we should reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by using renewable energy and reducing our carbon footprint”中的“should”。

  6. 倒装内部结构:比如“Never before has environmental protection been so crucial”中的“has”。


燃爆了(关于环保的英语作文)关于环保的英语作文 小学 第4张


  1. wide range of problems:广泛的问题

  2. seriously affected:严重影响

  3. ecological balance:生态平衡

  4. renewable energy:可再生能源

  5. carbon footprint:碳足迹

  6. sustainable consumption and production patterns:可持续消费和生产模式

  7. make a difference:产生影响

  8. shared responsibility:共同责任


燃爆了(关于环保的英语作文)关于环保的英语作文 小学 第5张


  1. Pollution, which is caused by various human activities, has a great impact on our environment and health.

  2. We need to protect our natural resources, such as forests, oceans and wildlife, for our future generations.

  3. Small actions can add up to big impacts.



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