亚当唱到beautiful镜头切娜扎 电影亚当插曲

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这不是一个爱情故事,却是一个关于爱的故事,和它所拥有的左右我们生命的力量的故事,那是一种能治疗,也能毁灭我们的力量(This is not a love story,but it's a story about love...and the powerit has over ourlife...The power to heal or destroy.)。爱本身就是一种原罪,为爱牺牲,为爱救赎。爱,就是不断付出,而欲望,则是不断索取 。从一开始就是骗局,到最后的... 1:."You cannot walk away from love." 你无法逃离爱情. 2:She is not meant to be beautiful...just kind, true and young enough to bear children.她并不需要美丽的,她只需要温柔,真诚,而且够年轻,(主要,嘎嘎)能够怀孩子。(加上)能够煮饭 3:Comes a day in every man's life when a band is playing ...and he's the only one who can hear it. Today is your day.一个男人生命中总会有一个时候,当乐声响起是,只有他一个听得见,而今天,就是你的日子 4:爱情,只留给那些相信它的人。Love is for those people who believe in it. 5:you have been honest with me.I will be honest with you, too.你对我很诚实,而我也会对你诚实 6: You need to kill it, or I promise you, it will kill you.如果你不抹杀它,我保证它会杀了你。 7:Like a play.All of it.Lies.From the moment I met you. 就像是演戏,所有的一切,都是谎言。 从我认识你的那一刻起 8:I love you as I know you.Because I know you.我爱你,是因为我了解你,因为我了解你。 As you are.Good and bad.Better and worse.就是你,不管你是好是坏,不管如何。(不管你是好的,坏的,你是谁,我就是爱你)I told you this already, but you didn't believe me.我早就告诉你了,但是你就是不信 9:No other one.No other love but you。没有别人,除了你我没有爱过别人。From first to last.Start to finish.从第一个到最后一个,从开始,到结束。 10:Do you believe in forgiveness?你相信宽恕吗?And redemption for the human soul?和人类灵魂的救赎? 11:But for now, all I can say ...is that from the moment I saw her...l loved her.但现在我所能说的是,从我看到她的那一刻起,我就爱上了她 12:And no matter the price...you cannot walk away from love.不管用任何代价,你都无法逃离爱情


Adam Lambert亚当·兰伯特不羁的黑发,魅惑的眼线,黑色指甲油,已成为Adam Lambert的标志。这位被誉为“Rock God” 的音乐天才,刚出道便已赢得众多关注,近乎完美的演出,攻陷每一位挑剔听者的耳朵;他用华丽挥霍的嗓音,激情四射的舞台,阳光灿烂的笑容,善良幽默的品性与摄人心魄的魅力,虏获了无数歌迷的心。Adam Lambert风暴已经席卷而来,这不仅昭告着“Glam Rock”的强势回归,更标志着迷惑摇滚在新流行乐时代的复活和与之融合。在2011年,Adam Lambert获得格莱美奖最佳流行男歌手提名。




【记忆中的那个旋律】。。看发型应该是。最近一期的SUGAR FREE 打歌的时候开头和结尾插入曲是么。

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