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环保处罚修复措施怎么写的好一点呢英语作文(环保处罚复议书范文) 第1张

话不多说,间接蔬果许多萧徽勇都有次了:高度关注、珍藏+雅雷,吗千万别钱为的是更多的小孩,请喔转贴,让我们协助我们(四)耶鲁大学的几项科学研究说明,爱做家务活的小孩更容易新体验到安全感,更有前程.请你以"Help with Some Housework"为题字一则 8o 词以内的英文引言,

叙述你平常所做的家务活和你对做家务活的观点.参照词语:Chorestake out the rubbish sweep the floorwash the clothes do the disheswater the flowers cook breakfast/lunch …

…OpinionsPros:develop our independence take care of ourselves…Cons:a waste of time no need to ……特别注意:该文严禁再次出现真实世界的校徽和中文翻译.

Help with Some HouseworkIt is reported that children who love doing chores have a better future and are

easy to feel happy. As for me, I_______________________________________________________________________________




【参照箴】Help with Some HouseworkIt is reported that children who love doing chores have a better future

and are easy to feel happy.As for me, I often help them do housework. I take out the rubbish away and sweep the floor in the morning.

I help my mother cook the lunch.I always wash clothes and do the dishes for my family.My parents are very happy. Besides, Watering the flowers is also my duty.

I like them very much and take good care of them. After supper, I always wash dishes.(平常所作家务活)I think it can develop our independence and take good care of ourselves.【高分句型一】

In a word, the more housework I do, the happier my parents will be.(家务活的观点)【高分句型二】05 解决问题型议论文第一部分 解决问题型议论文体裁解读及写法点拨

对于解决问题类议论文,在写的时候,我们大致可以通过提出问题、分析解决问题、总结三部分来完成:1.提出问题 根据题目要求,在开篇把需 要解决的问题提出来,可以是对现状,形式或某-一困难的叙述, 为下文做好铺垫。

2.分析解决问题这是文章的主体部分,列举做-件事或解决某个问题的几种办法在列举对策时,可以通过 firstly, secondly, whats more, finally 等连接词的使用来确保文章的连。

贯性和条理性3.总结在文章结尾处要说明自己的观点或总结全文,简单说明对待这一问题的态度或做法,可以呼吁我们共同努力解决问题,也可以强调问题的重要性等第二部分 解决问题型议论文万能黄金模板①In recent days,we have to face a problem: .(问题)。

②Faced with this,we should take a series of effective measures to deal with it.For one thing,we should .(解决方法一)

For another thing,wed better (解决方法二),we should .(解决方法三)③In my opinion,if,we will .(观点及憧憬)模板内容要点①阐述一种现象并具体说明现状

②提出解决方案③“我”的观点和对未来的憧憬注:模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍第三部分 必备词语与套用句型必备亮点词语提出问题serious 严重的a public problem 公共问题become the focus of...成为...的焦点。

be worried about 担心issue 问题raise the question 提出问题an increasing population人口越来越多play an important role in...在......中扮演着重要角色

concern 担忧陈列对策relieve the pressure 缓解压力solve the problem 解决问题the way to 解决...的办法take measures 采取举措workout 想出(办法、途径、举措等)

figure out 找出(办法、途径、举措等)firstly 第一first of all 首先to begin with 首先secondly 第二thirdly 第三next 接着then 然后moreover 还有

in addition 除外apart from.. ...之外last but not least 最后但同样重要的是......总结in conclusion 总之in a word 总之to sum up 总之

In the end 最后finally 最后work together 共同努力经典套用句型闪亮篇首句(1) Recently,traffic jam has become the focus of the society.近来,交通堵塞已经成为社会的焦点。

(2) Computer plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives.电脑在我们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色(3) Nowadays there is a growing concern for environmental protection.如今,人们越来越关心环境保护。

(4) Nowadays it is common to hear students cheat in the exam.现在,听到学生在考试中作弊是、很普通的Nowadays more and more people begin to be aware of the seriousness of protecting the。

environment.现在,越来越多的人开始特别注意到保护环境的重要性(6) Nowadays, .. become a problem we have to face.现在,...是我们必须面对的问题(7)Special attention should be paid to the problem that...要特别关...的问题。

(8) Something has to be done.一定要做些事情出彩篇中句(1 ) Many measures should be adopted to solve the problem.要采取多种举措解决这个问题。

We can change the situation through the following ways. Firstly .. Next...And then ...Last...我们可以通过以下方法改变这种情况。

首先......然后.......接着........最后.......(3) We have figured out ways to solve the problem. Firstly .. Secondly.. Thirdly..我们已经找到了几个办法来解决这个问题。

第一...... 第二...... 第三......(4) As we can see, there are several solutions to the problem. First of all....Further...Last but not least..

正如我们可以看到的,这个问题有几个解决方案首先....接着..... 最后但同样重要的是.....(5) In spite of the seriousness of the problem, there are still many ways to solve the problem.。

First of all....In addition..Thirdly.. 尽管这个问题很严重,但仍有许多方法可以解决这个问题首先....还有.....第.三.....(6) It is essential that proper actions should be taken to relieve the problem.。

很有必要采取一-些举措来缓解这个问题精彩篇尾句(1) It is high time for us to work together. 我们是时候要共同努力了(2 )Therefore, we should...因此,我们应..... (总结全文)。

(3)In a word, we must take action to protect our environment.总而言之,我们必须采取行动来保护环境(4) To sum up, if we put the measures mentioned above into practice,。

we will change the situation.总之,要是我们把以上提及的举措都付诸行动,我们就会改变这种状况的。来,来,来,看黑板:家庭作业是一键四连高度关注、珍藏+转贴、雅雷

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