
六八 140 0

1. 开始游览




2. 沿途观光


从火车上我可以看到美丽的田野和美丽的羊群。在沿途的小镇上,我们看到了许多当地居民生活的场景。他们打扫院子,甚至带着孩子玩耍。我们沿途看到了干净的河流、鸟儿在天空中飞翔, 远处可以看到高耸的山峰。

3. 人文地理



4. 饱享美食



5. 宜人气候



1. 开始火车之旅


2. 沿途赏人文地理




3. 饱享美食

在我的旅途中,我品尝了不同地区的美食。我开始的第一顿肚子饿的午餐是在广西来宾市。这里是中国七大名菜之一的“重庆毛血旺”的发源地, 我特地去品尝了一下。毛血旺的主要原材料是一种叫做猪五花的猪肉,配上各种蔬菜,并浇上独特让人流口水的辣椒,让我回味不已。

接下来,我来到岳阳。岳阳是湖南著名的旅游城市,这里的美食也很有特色,岳阳米粉就是其中之一。 岳阳的米粉与其他地方的米粉不同,他们的米粉做法独特,口感清爽滑嫩,汤汁鲜美。

在湖南常德我品尝到了数不胜数的当地特色美食。 其中最让我难忘的是当地著名的宽面条,坚固有嚼劲,比拉面更加有 筋骨味道。另外常德还有刘氏腊肠、猪头肉、老豆腐和古法红烧肉等多种各具特色的美食,让我开了眼界。

4. 宜人气候

整个旅途中,除了美食和景点,我也享受了各地的气候。在广西柳州,我遇到了一个阳光明媚的早晨。在属于世界上四季皆迎的亚热带气温的影响下,站在城中最高点——柳州环城公园欣赏全城美景。 在常德,我意外地遇到了一场暴雨,只为你赏湖南雨景。潇洒的雨水在屋顶上滴落下来,让我感受到湖南的炎热气息。房间的窗外,是淅淅沥沥的雨声和湿润空气带来清新的芬芳气息。



As a train enthusiast, I've always been fascinated by the idea of exploring different parts of the world by rail. So when I heard about the D2320 train tour that takes you through some of the most stunning landscapes while indulging in delicious local cuisine and experiencing diverse cultures, I knew I had to take this journey.

Boarding the D2320 Train

The journey began at the train station in Shanghai, where I boarded the D2320 train early morning. The train had comfortable seats with plenty of legroom and large windows that let me admire the scenery outside. The train was fully equipped with all necessary facilities like dining cars, bars, and lounge areas.

Day 1: Shanghai to Guilin

The first day of the journey started with a four-hour ride to Suzhou, a historic city famous for its canals and gardens. We spent a couple of hours exploring the city on foot, visiting ancient landmarks like the Lingering Garden and the Humble Administrator's Garden before getting back on the train.

After leaving Suzhou, we entered a picturesque countryside filled with lush green fields and small villages. We stopped at one of the local markets to try some of the famous Shanxi noodles, which was mouth-watering. We got back on the train for an overnight journey to our next destination, Guilin.

Day 2: Guilin to Kunming

Guilin's landscape is known for its surreal beauty, and our train journey from Guilin to Kunming was a highlight of the trip. The journey took us through the karst formations of Yangshuo, where we crossed several bridges over the Li River. We got off at Yangshuo and took a boat ride down the river, which was an unforgettable experience.

Later in the day, we reached Kunming – the city of eternal spring, where we visited several ancient temples, strolled around the Green Lake Park, and tasted the famous Yunnan cuisine, which has a unique blend of flavors and spices.

Day 3: Kunming to Lijiang

The third day of the journey took us through some of the most remarkable landscapes of China from Kunming to Lijiang. The journey was filled with stunning views of the snow-capped mountains, terraced fields, and lush green valleys. We stopped at Dali, a picturesque town that offers a beautiful blend of traditional and modern Chinese architecture.

In the evening, we reached Lijiang, known for its old town that is a UNESCO World Heritage site. We went on a walking tour of the old town, which is a maze of cobblestoned streets, canals, and bridges. We also had a chance to witness the ancient Naxi culture and their traditional music at a local bar.

Day 4: Lijiang to Chengdu

On the fourth day, we departed from Lijiang and headed to Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province. The train ride took us through the vast Hengduan mountain range, where we saw breathtaking views of glaciers, alpine meadows, and deep gorges.

After an overnight journey, we arrived in Chengdu. Chengdu is known for its pandas, and we visited the Panda Breeding Research Base, which is a sanctuary for these adorable creatures. Later in the evening, we went to a Sichuan Opera show that showcased traditional Chinese opera, acrobatics, and dance performances.

Day 5: Chengdu to Xi'an

On the fifth day of the journey, we boarded a high-speed train from Chengdu to Xi'an, which took only three hours. Xi'an, known as the ancient city, has a rich cultural heritage and is the home of the famous Terracotta Warriors. We visited the Terracotta Army site, which was an awe-inspiring experience.

We also went on a cycling tour of the old city walls, which are more than 600 years old, providing stunning views of the modern city. In the evening, we tasted some of the best Muslim cuisine in China at the famous street food market.

Day 6: Xi'an to Beijing

As we approached the end of our epic train journey, we took a high-speed train from Xi'an to Beijing, which was a comfortable and quick four-hour ride. We arrived in Beijing, where we visited the famous Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Summer Palace.

We also indulged in some delicious Peking duck, a dish that originated from Beijing and is considered a national delicacy of China.


The D2320 train journey was an unforgettable experience that left me with a new appreciation of China's rich history, culture, and stunning landscapes. The train allowed me to witness the diversity of China's natural beauty and indulge in some delicious local cuisines along the way. This journey is a must-try for any train enthusiast or traveler looking to explore the best of China.

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