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Traveling by train is a unique experience that allows one to witness the beauty of nature and explore places that are otherwise untouched. But did you know that train journeys can also take you on a culinary adventure through different regions and cultures?

Chapter 1: All aboard the D3695 train

The D3695 train is known for its scenic route through different regions in China. As I boarded the train, I was greeted with the sound of hustling and bustling travelers getting settled in their seats for the journey ahead. I knew I was in for a treat as I had signed up for the food tour offered onboard.

Chapter 2: Discovering the Flavors of Sichuan

The train pulled into the first stop, and our tour guide led us to a traditional Sichuan restaurant. She explained that Sichuan cuisine was known for its bold flavors and use of spices. We were served dishes such as Kung Pao chicken, Mapo Tofu, and Dan Dan noodles, each with a unique blend of spices that added a fiery kick to every bite. I was blown away by the intensity of flavors and loved the way that each dish complemented the other.

Chapter 3: The Taste of Yunnan

The next day, we arrived in Yunnan, where we were taken to a local farmer's house, where we sampled the famous dish known as rice noodles. These rice noodles were made from scratch, right in front of us, and featured a light, subtle flavor, unlike anything I had tasted before. The noodles were topped with various meat, vegetables, and herbs, adding a burst of flavor with every bite.

Chapter 4: The Richness of Hubei Cuisine

Our next stop was Hubei, where we visited a local restaurant famous for its Braised Pork Belly and Wuchang Fish. The braised pork belly featured a rich flavor that was both sweet and savory, while the Wuchang fish was cooked to perfection with subtle yet flavorful spices.

Chapter 5: The Journey Comes to an End

As the train pulled into its final destination, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the culinary experience that I had just been through. From Sichuan to Hubei, every dish that I had sampled had left me mesmerized by its unique flavors. This trip had been an adventure through different cultures, flavors, and regions all packed into one train ride.


The D3695 train journey had given me an opportunity to explore China's diverse culinary culture, and I was amazed at the depth of flavors that each region had to offer. From the bold flavors of Sichuan to the subtle taste of Yunnan, this train journey had opened up my taste buds to a whole new world of flavors. I would highly recommend this culinary train journey to anyone who loves traveling and discovering new tastes.



1. 第一站:广州   鲍汁蒸凤爪



2. 第二站:武汉   干煸豆角



3. 第三站:北京   炸酱面



4. 第四站:呼伦贝尔   烤全羊



5. 第五站:西安   肉夹馍



6. 第六站:成都   火锅



7. 让我们一起展开美食之旅



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