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我被渣男欺负了,现在我要让他付出代价! 第1张

My Encounter with a Scumbag and My Plans for Revenge

It was supposed to be a fairytale romance. I met him on a dating app and we hit it off instantly. We spent hours chatting and sending each other cute messages. I felt like I had finally found my Prince Charming. But soon enough, the cracks started to show.

Signs of a Scumbag

  1. He only contacted me when he wanted something, like sex or money.
  2. He would ignore my messages for days and then suddenly reappear as if nothing had happened.
  3. He was always secretive about his personal life and never let me meet his friends or family.
  4. He would manipulate me into feeling guilty for questioning him or asking for more in the relationship.

At first, I tried to ignore these warning signs, hoping that maybe he just needed time to open up to me. But things only got worse. He started making degrading comments about my appearance and belittling me in public. He would cancel plans at the last minute and leave me hanging. I felt like a fool for believing in him, for letting him treat me this way.

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

But now, I refuse to be a victim. I have decided to take matters into my own hands and make him pay for what he has done to me. Here are my plans:

  1. Take legal action: If he owes me money or has violated any laws, I will pursue legal action to hold him accountable.
  2. Expose him: I will share my story with others, warning them about his deceitful ways and preventing him from hurting anyone else.
  3. Cut off all contact: I will block him from every form of communication and make sure he can never reach me again.
  4. Focus on self-care: I will prioritize my own well-being, seeking therapy or support groups to help me heal from the emotional damage he has caused.
  5. Move on: I will not allow this experience to define me or my future relationships. I will learn from it and move forward with confidence and self-respect.

I may have been hurt by this scumbag, but I refuse to let him win. I will fight back and come out stronger on the other side. As the saying goes, revenge is a dish best served cold, and I am ready to serve him a cold dose of justice.

我被渣男欺负了,现在我要让他付出代价! 第1张



我被渣男欺负了,现在我要让他付出代价! 第1张

1. 不要轻易相信渣男的谎言


我被渣男欺负了,现在我要让他付出代价! 第1张

2. 站在自己的立场上思考问题


我被渣男欺负了,现在我要让他付出代价! 第1张

3. 保持镇定和理智


我被渣男欺负了,现在我要让他付出代价! 第1张

4. 找到证据并且严格维护自己的权益


我被渣男欺负了,现在我要让他付出代价! 第1张

5. 做一个独立自主的女性


我被渣男欺负了,现在我要让他付出代价! 第1张



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