
六八 133 0







Zhi Zi was a curious little girl who loved to study various natural phenomena and ponder their truths. Next to her home in the small town was an elderly couple, who lived not far from Zhi Zi's family, but she was suspicious of them.

One day, Zhi Zi noticed that the door of the old couple’s house was open, so she went in curiously. After closing the door, she found it was very quiet there, the room was very simple, with only a bed, a table, and a chair. While Zhi Zi looked around, she saw a painting hanging on the wall covered with a black cloth. It suddenly dawned on her that someone was hiding something. After returning home, Zhi Zi could no longer restrain her curiosity, and began to ask her parents and people around her about their opinions of the elderly couple. Without any surprise, most of the close neighbors were friendly and expressed concern for them. Only a stranger yelled that the elderly couple were very treacherous and often did bad things.

Zhi Zi remembered seeing the painting covered with a black cloth, so she made up her mind to remove it and unravel her suspicions. So, she began to learn and investigate her neighbor’s actions through various means and found out that they also liked to study natural phenomena such as studying butterflies in their backyard. The reason the painting was covered with a black cloth was that one butterfly would often perch on it and the elderly couple worried that it would fall and get the painting dirty, so they covered it. Zhi Zi got the answer she wanted, and proved through facts that the old man's words were not necessarily correct.

This story tells us that we should respect others' privacy, not make assumptions, or turn our imaginations into facts. Curiosity encourages communication and interaction between people.


  1. 智子喜欢研究的自然现象是什么?
  2. 智子喜欢研究各种自然现象。

  3. 邻居老夫妇家里有什么布置?
  4. 老夫妇的房间十分朴素,只有一张床、一张桌子和一把椅子。

  5. 在老夫妇的房间里,被盖上黑布的是什么?为什么?
  6. 钩在墙上的一幅画被盖上了黑布。老夫妇担心他们驯养的蝴蝶会停在画上,将画弄脏,故而遮盖了画。

  7. 邻居的行动是什么?
  8. 老夫妇在自家后园里驯养蝴蝶。他们也像智子一样喜欢研究自然现象。

  9. 这个故事给我们带来了什么启示?
  10. 这个故事告诉我们应该尊重别人的隐私,不要凭空臆断,将自己的想象变成事实,同时也说明了好奇心有时候可以促进人与人之间的交往和沟通。

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