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消解医疗保健贪污腐败的体育运动获得了始终如一的全力支持Firm support voiced for drive to weed out healthcare corruption科学研究者和高官则表示,西凯努瓦县须要稳步的监督管理和体制改革

Continuous oversight, reforms needed to achieve goals, experts and officials say科学研究者和高官对中国长达两年的医疗金融行业反贪污腐败体育运动打入冷宫,该体育运动意在根治经常出现的作假犯罪行为,减少医疗服务费,并为该金融行业的发展创造两个身心健康的自然环境。

High hopes are held by experts and officials for Chinas yearlong drive against corruption in the healthcare sector, which is aimed at uprooting widespread misconduct, reducing medical expenses and fostering a healthy environment for the industrys development.

科学研究者和高官则表示,华北局和地方性各级党委快速采取措施,进行调查和调查报告各式各样失职犯罪行为,说明了压制贪污腐败的决意该体育运动于上月底开启Prompt action taken at central and local levels to investigate and report a wide range of malpractices has demonstrated the determination to fight corruption, the experts and officials said. The campaign was launched early last month.。

不过,科学研究者和高官们补足说,医疗职能部门的贪污腐败是两个这般繁杂和解决目前的问题,须要稳步的监督管理和政府机构体制改革来同时实现这些最终目标However, the experts and officials added that corruption in the healthcare sector is such a complicated and long-standing issue that continuous oversight and institutional reforms are needed to achieve the goals.。

西安交通大学清正廉洁科学研究与基础教育服务中心秘书长任建明则表示:“这半程反腐倡廉体育运动不光不光针对医疗和生物科技金融行业惟一的关注点是严苛全盘的压制”Ren Jianming, head of Beihang Universitys Center for Integrity Research and Education, said: "This round of the anti-corruption drive specifically targets the medical and pharmaceutical sector. The sole focus promises a tough and thorough crackdown."。

国家自然环境卫生身心健康理事会周四正式发布的这份新闻稿称,本次暴力行动将进行调查药物产品销售中的行贿和行贿、误用医保资本金、医护人员的伦理职业伦理、贪污以及金融专业理事会和民营企业的失当犯罪行为A statement released by the National Health Commission on Tuesday said the campaign will investigate bribery and kickbacks in pharmaceutical sales, misuse of healthcare insurance funds, the ethics of medical personnel, use of power in exchange for money, and misconduct by industry associations and enterprises.。

任建明说,2006年,半程重大的反贪污腐败体育运动集中在减少不规范的定价机制,如对医疗服务和药物收取过高的服务费Ren said that in 2006, one round of a major anti-corruption campaign focused on curtailing irregular pricing mechanisms, such as charging excessive fees for medical services and drugs.。

“但那轮融资主要不光针对商业领域,因此对医疗金融行业的影响相对有限,”他则表示"But that round primarily targeted the business sector, so the impact on healthcare was relatively limited," he said.。

“最近的压制暴力行动承诺全面进行调查,直接压制医疗金融行业的贪污腐败犯罪行为我非常期待结果”"Recent crackdown efforts have pledged a comprehensive investigation to directly confront corrupt acts in the healthcare sector. I look forward very much to the outcome."。

任建明补足说,国家最高反贪政府机构——中国共产党华北局纪律检查理事会和国家监察理事会的参与,进一步为这场体育运动注入了动力Ren added that involvement of the nations top anti-graft authorities — the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, or CCDI, and the National Supervisory Commission — has further injected momentum into the campaign.。

7月28日,中纪委召开视频会议,要求加强对反贪污腐败体育运动的监督管理和纪律执法On July 28, the CCDI held a video conference to request intensified supervision and enforcement of disciplines and laws for the anti-corruption drive.。

任建明说:“虽然国家自然环境卫生身心健康理事会作为最高自然环境卫生职能部门,有能力执行管理和纪律处分,但中纪委在反贪污腐败方面的作用是不可替代的”"Although the National Health Commission, as the top health authority, is able to enforce management and disciplinary action, the role of the CCDI in fighting corruption is irreplaceable," Ren said.。

媒体上游新闻汇编的数据显示,自上个月以来,接受进行调查的医院院长数量快速上升,迄今为止总数已超过180人Figures compiled by media outlet Shangyou News show the number of hospital heads placed under investigation has risen rapidly since last month, with the total to date reaching more than 180.。

“地方性政府开展进行调查的速度和处罚的严苛程度令人印象深刻,”任建明说"The speed at which local governments carried out probes, and the severity of penalties meted out, are impressive," Ren said.。

中国政法大学政治与公共管理学院教授胡晓东则表示,多年来,医疗金融行业的大多数反腐倡廉暴力行动都集中在涉及生物科技公司给医生行贿和病人给医生礼物的不法犯罪行为上Hu Xiaodong, a professor at China University of Political Science and Laws School of Political Science and Public Administration, said that over the years, most anti-corruption drives in the healthcare sector have centered on wrongdoing involving kickbacks given by pharmaceutical companies to doctors, and gifts from patients to doctors.。

“但这次最新进行调查的范围扩大到了医院负责人、门诊职能部门负责人和行政高官正在进行调查的贪污腐败形式也更加多样化” 胡晓东说"But the scope of this latest investigation extends to hospital heads, heads of clinic departments, and administrative officials. The form of corruption being investigated is also more varied," he said.。

国家自然环境卫生身心健康理事会则表示,将对生产、物流、产品销售、使用和报销的整个产业链进行整顿,并对所有股东,从管理人员和协会到医疗政府机构、民营企业和医保公司进行审查The National Health Commission said the entire industry chain of production, logistics, sales, use and reimbursement will be rectified, and all shareholders, from administrators and associations to medical institutions, enterprises and healthcare insurers, will be examined.。

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